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Valeria Perrelli Studio owner


Valeria Perrelli Studio owner

About Me

I was born and raised in Bari, located in the deep, warm Italian south. My passion for cultures and languages ​​took me around Europe and finally brought me to Cologne. Here I’ve found and cultivated my vocation as a Pilates Teacher and entrepreneur.

From the Mechanics of Machines...

At the age of 19, I decided to study engineering and upon completion of my studies, I moved to Germany for my first job in 2011. Working for an international corporation definitely presented a valuable experience, but the everyday office life and the high workload brought along with them health issues.

During this time, I became acquainted with Pilates and discovered in it the most effective antidote to my work-related muscle tension and pain.

As I started questioning more and more the meaning of my job and my purpose in life, I began searching for something and – at the end of a rather tortuous journey - found it in Pilates.

... to the Mechanics of the Body

I moved to Cologne, quit my management consulting job and started an education to become a Pilates Teacher in 2017 - a radical change, one might think. But maybe the two disciplines are not that unrelated: I have simply switched from the mechanics of machines to the mechanics of the body.

The latter continues to fascinate me every day, and I have now been teaching Pilates Instructor for more than 8 years. I enjoy helping my clients strengthen their bodies and their body-mind connection through this discipline, and passing on my own positive experiences. I’m proud to say that my job fills me with joy and gives me a lot of satisfaction - and this gives me the energy needed for the new challenge I have taken on.

ORA - My Pilates Studio in Cologne

At the end of 2020, in the middle of the Covid global pandemic, I opened my Boutique Pilates Studio ORA, located in the heart of Cologne. This is the biggest milestone on my Pilates journey so far and a next level in the realization of my dream project. I am looking forward to further specializing in Personal Training; as a passionate entrepreneur, I believe that even difficult times call for courageous projects. That is why I look to the future with optimism and filled with enthusiasm.


1985 Born in Bari, Italy
​2008 B.Sc. Degree in Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
2010 M.Sc. Degree in Production Engineering & Management, KTH Stockholm, Sweden
2011 – 2015 Project Manager at Continental Reifen, Hanover
2015 – 2016 Senior Project Manager Consultant at Pcubed, Cologne
2017 – 2019 Customer Service Representative at Socoto, Cologne
Since April 2017 Freelancer Pilates Teacher in Cologne: classes at gyms, in-house classes for company employees, Personal Trainings
Since October 2020 – Owner of ORA Pilates Studio in Cologne

Pilates Education and Additional Qualifications

2017 – 2018 Training towards the title Pilates Matwork Instructor (1. Degree), completion in July 2018, Pilates Bodymotion, Cologne
February 2018 Continuing education module Fascia Trainer, Pilates Bodymotion, Cologne
June 2018 Continuing education seminars „Golden Pilates“ and „Pilates for Executives and Desk workers“, Pilates Academy International, New York
October 2018 Continuing education seminar „Small Props - Methodologies and Didactics“, Pilates Bodymotion, Cologne
February 2019 Continuing education seminar „Pilates Prenatal”, Pilates Bodymotion, Cologne
2019-2020 Comprehensive Training towards the title of Practitioner of Pilates Studio, completion in September 2020, Polestar Pilates, Paris, Amsterdam, Cologne
September 2021 Pilates Congress, Hanover
August 2022 Continuing education seminar "Assessment Skills", Polestar Pilates, Online
October 2022 Continuing education seminar “Reformer High Level”, Polestar Pilates, Remote
February 2022 Continuing education seminar “Pilates for Athletes”, Polestar Pilates, Cologne
August 2024 Continuing education seminar “Fundamentals of Neuroathletics", Jebrini Training, Cologne Area

Ora Pilates Studio

Valeria Perrelli

Magnusstr. 18a
50672 Köln

0049 (0)152 578 812 82
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